My name is Tim Zick and I am thrilled to be the newest member of Chevalier Advertising Marketing and Public Relations.
As a public relations associate, I’ll be able to utilize the bachelor’s degree I earned from Minnesota State University, Mankato. I majored in mass communications with an emphasis on public relations. Prior to graduating, I spent roughly six months interning at a non-profit organization called The Arc of Minnesota Southwest.
Having been raised on a farm in Northern Minnesota, I am very familiar with hunting, fishing and other outdoor activities. Where I’m from, deer hunting is a major holiday. You either become a hero or have to spend a venison-starved winter waiting for next year’s hunt. It is the only time of year that my dad takes off from work.
Personally, I enjoy grouse hunting and fishing equally as well as hunting deer. Spearing Northerns during the winter is fun as well. Other outdoors activities that interest me include four-wheeling, snowmobiling and looking for sheds in the spring.
I’m very excited at the opportunity to work in this industry and to be a part of a great team at Chevalier Advertising. Check back later for more posts!