October 10-16 I got to spend time in Pike County, Illinois with my good friends from Archer's Choice Media for the 2nd annual ladies bow hunt at Eagle Lakes Outfitters. What makes this hunt so unique is that women from every corner of the United States and Canada, from all different walks of life come together to share one common interest…bowhunting!
After catching up with everyone it was time to pull out the gear and get ready for the hunt. The temperatures would be in the low 40’s (which is freezing for me), so Tina let me borrow her SHE C4 suit. THANKS TINA! At the end of the hunt it was hard to give the C4 suit back. It kept the wind, water and cold out.
The first morning I was excited to get back in the stand with Zendal (he filmed me last year in Pike). While waiting for the sun to come up, I saw dark figures roaming around my stand; I knew it was going to be a great morning. I glassed a bunch of young deer with my Nikon Monarch X binoculars.
A doe walked into my shooting lane at about 16 yards, I was so pumped to have a shot on the first morning! I drew my bow back and let my Beman ICS fly. I shot too high giving her a haircut and became the first of our group to join the MBBA (Muddy Broadhead Bowhunters Association). Last year I did the same thing to a nice big buck, same stand and shot angle. That stand has now been renamed ‘The Barber Shop.’

My confidence was brought down a notch, but Zendal reminded me that it was only the first day and not to get down on myself. I am so thankful to have Zendal in the stand with me, he has taught me so much in the two seasons I have spent with him.
The week was a tough hunt, the weather changed constantly and the deer did not move. When they did, the wind would swirl and every shooter in Pike County probably got a whiff of me. Tuesday afternoon we went out in a downpour with the wind working against us, but we did have one thing going for us, we were sitting in a persimmon tree (last year I learned from CJ that deer can’t resist it).
Late that afternoon a doe wandered in, Zendal could see her, but a big branch blocked me. She put her nose to the air, she knew something wasn’t right and disappeared into the woods behind us. Once again, my confidence was brought down a notch and the tough hunt was wearing on me.
About an hour later deer were piling into the field in front of us, but they were too far away, they wouldn’t work their way to the tree before dark. It was then from the corner of my eye I saw the doe from earlier to the right of me at about 10 yards. I quietly grabbed my Hoyt Kobalt and drew. I was a shaking mess and asked Zendal to stop her for me. I got so excited that when he did stop her, I simultaneously released my arrow. In the future, I need to learn to be more patient!

I watched her run about 50 yards and drop. It was such a good feeling to see her go down that fast. I called my guide Ronnie and we loaded up my doe and headed back to the lodge before sundown. I had a huge smile on my face that evening.
A big thanks to everyone at ACM and Eagle Lakes, you all are family to me and I can’t wait to hunt with you all again! Thanks to my guide Ronnie who always comes up with the best deer strategies. Thank you Zendal for spending countless hours with me in a tree/blind!
Shannon's Gear List:
Nikon Monarch X Binoculars and Archer's Choice Rangefinder
SHE Outdoor Apparel C4 Suit
Hoyt Kobalt 27.5 @ 49 pounds
Beman ICS Hunter Arrows
New Archery Products HellRazor Broadheads